Well, South Padre Islands were warmer than North Padre Islands, but still not hot.  It must be the time of year coupled with the polar vortex hitting the northern United States.  Either way, not as warm as we thought nor wanted.  But, when in Rome….

We stayed at the South Padre Islands KOA that was really nice.  Parked in the Busse Bus was a whole lot nicer than the two groups of people tenting across the street and right out our front end.  Especially later in the stay when the rains and wind came.

Whilst walking the dogs on Sunday morning around 10am, a man stopped us and informed us that they host a weekly Bloody Sunday gathering starting at 11am and that we were welcomed to join in on the fun.  Who could pass up bloodies, especially for free?  Not me!


The hosts have been doing this for ten years and created t-shirts that say: Circle of Friends – SPI.  They raffled two of them off for Cancer Camp for Children.  I can now say that I’m a proud owner of them both.  Paid too much, but hey, it’s for charity.

While at Bloody Sunday a couple that we met told us about a sunset cruise that they go on every month and this Tuesday was the next one.  We signed up and went.  We had to get there earlier in the afternoon than what I thought a sunset cruise would warrant but I thought that it would be just a longer ride.  Turns out that the couple mis-quoted us and that this was a early dinner cruise.  Well we didn’t get to see the sunset from the water, but we did get a great ride:

We had to bring our own alcoholic beverages, but they served us grilled shrimp, beef and chicken fajitas, grilled local redfish with fruit as the desert.  Excellent food cooked right on the back of the catamaran.

Like most of the parks’ residents we headed over the sunset deck (located in the KOA park) to watch the sunset:

Nice time watching the sun fade into another night, drinking a Lone Star (the National Beer of Texas) and chatting with new friends from Ohio, John and Sally Pickarski.

We were able to take Bear down to the beach and let him chase the birds again until his hearts’ content.  It wears him out so much – great to burn off all his puppy energy.  Once Bear was exhausted, we loaded him up into the jeep and headed about three miles down the beach where you can take your car (of jeep) onto the sand and drive around.  Since it was later in the day there wasn’t anyone else around so we didn’t drive too far, particularly because the tide was coming in and the beach was getting smaller.  I actually got to use the 4×4 drive – it was very cool!

Well the sunny skies didn’t last and a storm blew in which doused the tenters across the street making us very happy to be in the Busse Bus.


That’s a picture from out of the front of the Busse Bus where the tent people stay.  Nasty!  The next morning, the day we were heading out, was so windy that we extended our stay for another day in South Padre even if the weather isn’t hot.  It beats trying to drive across the InterCoastal Waterway with 40mhp winds hitting the side of the Busse Bus.  We will just need to shorten the stay at Port Lavaca, the next destination.


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