Moved further south to Chula Vista without the jeep.  Still waiting for another new engine.  Each time we move further away from San Fran the more expensive the transportation fees will be once they are ready to ship.  Sucks!

Kat and I were able to run up to the Hotel del Coronado for dinner.  While I was in architecture school, this was a building that I studied in my architecture history class as an excellent example of shingle style.  I was pumped!  What a beautiful place with tons of history – “Some like it hot” was filmed here.  Here are some photos:

They installed an outdoor ice rink and added a bar called “Frostbite”.  Interesting knowing that during the day in gets into the 60’s and watching people ice skating in shorts.  I can tell you that most of these people did not grow up in the north skating on local ponds like I did.

There was a couch area set up with gas fire pits that Kat and I thought would be good to sit at and have a drink.  Went over to the area and the attendant informed us that the seats were reserved.  We asked how much out of curiosity – $200 for 90 minutes AND that was without any food or drinks!  Unbelievable to me that each couch area was full.

Walked onto the beach and there were sand castles that looked beautiful:

Next to the sand creations were fire pits set up on the beach with nice beach chairs set up around them.  We had to ask: $150 for 90 minutes.  We laughed because we can have a fire next to the Busse Bus almost any night that we want.  If you visit, we won’t even charge you!

We had a couple of big days coming up with Thanksgiving so we headed home.

Thanksgiving Eve.  We headed over to the Barona Casino to meet Katrina’s cousins: Karla and Kiela.


Ate dinner at the buffet, Wednesday night is lobster night.  I ate lobster, shrimp, crab, salmon, and all other types of delicious foods.  Outstanding!  Played some cards in their hotel room – it was very nice catching up as we haven’t seen them in about 15 years.  View of the golf course from their room before dinner:


Thanksgiving Day.  Back to Barona casino for a wonderful dinner buffet complete with turkey and all, and I mean all, the fixings!  Again, another wonderful meal!

After we ate we spent too much time playing penny slots.  I have to admit that it was a lot of fun:

Once you rolled the right combination you got to “hit” the screen to pop balloons for extra points.  I never seemed to roll the right combination and often sat and watched everyone else get to pop their balloons.  Boo hoo for me, :).

The casino was a great place – captured these pictures of Kat and Karla there and in the Busse Bus when Karla came by to check out our digs:


The two of them are so similar that it is scary.  Let’s not wait another 15 years to get together again!

The next morning we met with another one of Kat’s cousin’s: Stacy and her husband Carlos.

It was great to catch up with everyone and we enjoyed them showing us around the area!


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