Viva Las Vegas

We left the heat of the Mojave Desert and drove to Las Vegas only to find the temperature there was 109! We passed by some interesting views on the way: We stayed at the beautiful Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort where we had been a few times before (therefore no pictures Read more…

South Lake Tahoe

After leaving Reno we topped off with diesel before heading into California. Good idea: Welcome to Cali! We also finished all of our vegetables because we knew that at the border crossing we would be asked if we had them. (See next post for details). The drive down was beautiful: Read more…


We left the warm waters of the hot spring to drive through high heat and smoke for the entirety of the ride. Not very good scenery along the way, but I bet if it was clear it would have been spectacular. Our destination for the evening was Reno, NV. We Read more…