Katrina and I had saw this resort a couple of years ago driving down the 101 (Pacific Coast Highway). It is privately owned and only has six sites. The ownership consists of quarter shares; therefore there are 24 opportunities for ownership. The only way that you can stay there without being an owner is to be interested in ownership and then they let you pay $400 for three nights to get a feel of the place. Both the Hausauer’s and us were able to book a stay to check it out.

What an absolutely beautiful place! Check out these pictures:

There aren’t any amenities except access to the beach and the “No worries bar” located in front of the coaches. The flowers around the place were fabulous:

After getting settled in and letting Bear and Ruger play

we went into Newport for a sushi dinner at Tengu Sushi. We all agreed that it wasn’t very good. Back at Pacific Surf we headed to the No Worries where we started up the firepit and played some cards around the table.

We were the only ones there and we got to watch the sunset in peace and quiet.

The following morning Rhody, the dogs and I walked the beach:

We found three Sand Dollars fully intact. Got to take them home and clean them up. Nice momento!

We drove over to Depoe Bay to eat dinner at Tidal Raves:

Outside of the restaurant there was some seals lounging around on the rocks:

It was fun to watch them play!

Depoe Bay is known for whale watching and at times you can even see them from the roadway. Unfortunately we didn’t get to see any while we were there.

On the drive back to the coaches we made some stops to see these views:

Including the Devil’s punchbowl:

Very unique rock formation!

For dinner we decided on the Side Door Cafe & Eden Hall in Gleneden Beach. What a wonderful meal!

The best was the dessert!

Back at Pacific Surf we went to the No Worries Bar to play some more cards:

The next morning Rhody, Barry, the dogs and I walked the beach towards the lighthouse. It was a bit “foggy” but the views were great anyway.

We found starfish!

Before Katrina went to play some pickleball we espied two American Eagles on the beach feasting on crab:

Once we all got back together, we headed to the Newport Bay Area

for lunch and decided on Cuisinako.

What a great find!

From there we stopped at the Fish Peddler’s Market to get some Dungeness crabs for dinner. Then we went to the Oregon Coast Glassblowing store where Katrina and Rhody made some beautiful artwork:

What a fun experience and both of the girls loved the creativity!

Back at the No Worries Bar we had a wonderful crab dinner:

The next morning we informed the Pacific Surf personnel that we were not interested in buying a quarter share. We knew it was far from Florida but we thought we could make it work by traveling on the off weeks. What we realized was it is too cold and not enough amenities for us.

On the drive out we stopped and picked up the glass artwork.


Sheila · July 29, 2024 at 5:37 pm

Wow! What a cool place! I’ve been on that highway — very beautiful. It looked a bit chilly :)) I loved the vase you made Kat! Great color choice! Can starfish be on the beach and not die?

    admin · July 29, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    The starfish were trapped in low water when the tide went out. Hopefully ther will be enough water to keep them alive until the tide comes back in.

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