After leaving Reno we topped off with diesel before heading into California. Good idea:

Welcome to Cali! We also finished all of our vegetables because we knew that at the border crossing we would be asked if we had them. (See next post for details).

The drive down was beautiful:

We stayed at the Tahoe Valley Campground:

Great place, but expensive and there were a lot of kids running around.

Here was our spot:

The best aspect of traveling is when you find out that you have friends in the area. Jack and Laurel Pope (whom we met on the road a number of years ago) were visiting their sons in Truckee, CA and happened to be on Lake Tahoe on their boat. They came and picked us up for a short boat ride:

Fantastic! It was great seeing them again and meeting their sons, Trevor and Jared.

After the boat ride we stopped at a new restaurant called Elements for dinner because we could sit outside and listening to the guy strumming his guitar and singing.

Food was great and the singing was fair to good. We even caught a sunset:

We headed back to the Busse Bus for the rest of the evening (and to watch some more Olympics). The next morning we planned on going south to Lodi to stay at a Harvest Host.


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