We got down to the Black Ball Ferry a little over two hours early. US Border Control needed us there 1.5 hours ahead of time. No problem with gaining access to the ferry as our passports were valid. It was very scary loading onto the ferry through the side door:

Here comes the Coho

Check out this loading process:

All loaded:

Talk about tight quarters!

Goodbye Victoria!

The hour and a half ride over allowed us to play some cards on the deck with Bear. We saw an orca whale on the way. Unloading was just as gnarling as loading!

While going through the Border Control I “forgot” that we had purchased vegetables when the agent asked us. He was bored and decided to check our refrigerator himself. So much for our freshly washed perishables. At least he only gave us a verbal warning and didn’t fine us $300!

From there we stopped for cheaper diesel ($4.59/gal) before stopping at the Walmart parking lot in Port Angles for the evening. We did purchase some new veggies in the store so we didn’t feel so bad mooching the night. The parking lot wasn’t bad for a night, although I always feel uneasy doing it.

Up early the next morning heading down the Olympic Peninsula to see some mountains.


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