Short day of driving as we were only on the road for about 4.5 hours. The scenery was very similar to the past few days. Again we didn’t see any wildlife. Jeff and Molli and us seem to be leap frogging each other on our quest for civilization, we haven’t seen them since Palmer and probably won’t until we both get back to the Myakka River Motorcoach Resort later this year.

As we drove through the town of Quesnel we saw that they were having a farmer’s market so I found a place to park the rig and Katrina went to get some fresh veggies and steak for dinner. Great quick stop in what appeared to be a quaint little town!

We stayed at the Willow Springs Campsite and RV Park near the “town” of Clinton. Here’s some pictures of the place:

They had a nice lake with a rowboat available for use. I thought that it would be nice to take Katrina out for a romantic row. That didn’t happen as we learned of the Trump assassin attempt and we were glued to the tele for the rest of the evening. We are living in very uncertain times!

Katrina made a wonderful zucchini dish and I grilled up the steaks for a delish meal. Since we didn’t have far to go the next day we decided to sleep in again. At that moment, little did we know that the 142 miles the next day would be very challenging.


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