I wanted to call out our grandson’s first visit to see us in Florida. Ari and Rylan were able to come for an extended weekend and we thoroughly enjoyed hosting them in our casita at the Myakka River Motorcoach Resort. Unfortunately, Matt couldn’t come with them as he had to work.

On the plane – can’t wait to see Sassy (Katrina) and Papo (Ed):

What a cutie!

Welcome Ariana and Rylan:


Rylan’s first visit to the gulf beach:

Papo looked after me at the beach:

I got to meet my moms’ moms’ mom, Great Grams (Rita):

I liked riding in the golf cart:

Rylan got to hit the pool:

Rylan liked the pool. When he was in his float device at both the pool and gulf on his back he instinctively started to kick his legs. Maybe time for swim lessons?

It was great to just hang around with a subset of our family:

Rylan wanted to see pickleball, Sassy’s favorite pastime:

Farewell picture:

Thank you Ari and Rylan for visiting us in Florida. Safe travels home and stay warm!


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