We left Las Vegas and headed up to Kanab, UT to attend the All Inclusive Motorcoach (AIM) Rally. The event was being held at the Grand Plateau RV Resort. Check out these the pictures:

Look at the view from the dog park:

We arrived a day early to spend some time with our friends, Stan and Angela Garner who we met at the Stoneridge Motorcoach Resort in Idaho and again ran into them on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. We were able to park next to each other:

Since we arrived a day early, we were on our own for dinner. Luckily, other attendees arrived early as well and there was an impromptu hot dog dinner. It was nice meeting some other people before the hectic activities began.

Before registering for the rally, we had some time to explore the local area. We decided to drive about 20 miles north to the Moqui Cave. We learned that that cave was now a museum with a fee, but that the nearby caves could be accessed a bit down the road. Sandstone caves:

Bear loved being free and running and rock climbing. After exploring the caves, which we later learned were man made, we headed to the Belly of the Dragon. We heard about that place from some people that we met in the cave.

The Belly of the Dragon was basically a culvert under the roadway that was carved out of the rock.

We saw signs for a German Bakery called Forscher Backerei just a few miles farther down the road so off we went to get some goodies.

Since it was close to closing, we had a limited menu but we did find some yummy chocolate croissants to munch on.

We made it back in time to register. Looks like a fairly packed agenda:

AIM had hired a gourmet chef for a lot of our meals and on the first night we ate in the tent at the Grand Plateau RV Resort.

Wonderful meal, especially when you considered that they were cooking for about 120 people.

The next day we attended the Newmar Presentation where we learned about the new features in the upcoming coaches. Interesting, but not enough to entice me to upgrade.

After the presentation, we loaded into vans that took us out to the Peek A Boo Canyon where we got to ride in side-by-sides.

It was nice because we both got to drive two-person units. We drove for about 1/2 hour before reaching the Peek A Boo Canyon. Once there we walked through the slot canyon:

Legend has it (according to Ed) that this area was haunted by past peoples and that sometimes they “steal” your spirit. I believe that this phenomenon happened to me and Katrina caught it:

Bizarre, eh?

For dinner we all headed into town and gathered at the Kanab Convention Center. Our chef prepared a wonderful BBQ meal as we listened to some country and western music.

The next day we headed out to Inchworm Arch in side-by-sides. This time, the Garners and us shared a four seater:

After about an one hour tour through the desert brush with Mountain View’s:

Then we ended up at the Inchworm Arch:

Kinda looks like an inchworm, right? It was great to get off the side-by-sides and walk around and through the larger arch.

Dinner was planned to be at Angel’s Landing, but a rock slide the prior day cancelled those plans. A local restaurant opened up for us and served wonderful shish-kabobs! Jake’s Chaparral was a barn-like structure that featured a “wild west” courtyard in the rear. It also boosted a gift shop that offered us a 20% discount. Katrina bought some jewelry and I got a hat.

The next day there was a Freightliner presentation where learned a bit more about our coach. Always learning about the Busse Bus!

After the presentation, the Garners packed up to leave as they needed to get to Colorado Springs. Before they left, Stan and I had to accomplish a little work on his full wall topper bracket:

For dinner, AIM transported us via bus and then army transport

to an old movie set where the food was waiting and there was a Wild West Show. It was great eating a stereo-typical “cowboy” dinner under the stars. They had a typical Native American show:

The best part of the evening was toasting S’mores with homemade marshmallows:

We left early the next morning to get the Busse Bus into NIRVC in Las Vegas to take care of the electrical issue with our wall panel. When closing up the full wall slide, BANG! The middle roller caught the plywood under the tile and popped two tiles. Something else that we need to get fixed.


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